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[时间]:2030-02-11 [浏览次数]:


  主办:防灾科技学院教务处  团委











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Clearing Paths to the Past

By Kevin Coyne

   The snow started to slow soon after supper, and I looked out the window to measure how much had accumulated — on the shed, on the fence, on the limbs of the tall poplars and oaks that line the long strip of sidewalk I would now have to shovel. When the snow ends, my duty begins.

   My house occupies an average-sized lot in the old courthouse town where I grew up, but it’s on a corner, and in winter that makes all the difference. The sidewalk stretches 50 feet across the front of the house, a reasonable assignment for one man and a shovel.

   If I lived in an isolated corner of town, my sidewalk might not beckon me so insistently each snowfall, maybe I could let the snow rest undisturbed on it for a while, and admire, at least briefly, the fresh sheet of white billowing out to the curb. But four doors down is the high school, and around the corner in the other direction is the elementary school. A crossing guard stands out front in the morning. I have obligations.

   I first learned about the obligations imposed by snow from my grandfather, long before I had a sidewalk of my own. My grandparents lived in the house behind ours when I was a boy, and they, like us, had the requisite 50 feet of sidewalk to care for. But my grandfather worked as the custodian at the savings and loan a few doors away, on a busy stretch of Main Street. It was a corner lot, too, maybe twice as wide and deep as my own; its sidewalk felt miles long when I used to help him clear it.

   Before they moved into town, my grandparents had lived nearby on a small farm, which my grandmother never missed and my grandfather never quite got over. She had muscled the farm along while he worked at a factory in town, and she was glad to leave the butchering of chickens behind. But he kept planting fields in his head, and he cultivated his small new patch of land as if it were his sustenance. The white picket fence around his lush backyard garden could barely contain his bountiful tomatoes.

   After the factory closed —just two weeks’ severance after 31 years of work — he took the custodian job, cleaning the building’s interior but lavishing most of his attention on the grounds, as if it were his own land. He had learned from the factory how sparse the payment for loyalty sometimes is, but he held to a stricter code of responsibility that I couldn’t help but absorb from him.

   And when the snow fell off we went to the savings and loan, shovels on our shoulders like hunters’ rifles. Safe passage along the sidewalks of Main Street had to be restored. Everyone who needed to walk this route was depending upon him to clear the way.

   My grandfather had no use for people who cleared paths along the sidewalk no more than a single shovel-pass across. Every bit of concrete hidden beneath the snow, he believed, must be exposed. A sidewalk in deep winter should be as bare and wide as a sidewalk in spring, so he taught me how to shovel the way I still shovel today: Cut a single lane straight ahead, then double back and shovel sideways to the shoulders to clear the rest.

   When I saw through my window the other night that the snow had stopped, I thought of my grandfather again as I pulled on my gloves and headed outside. Shovels lean against the back porch, no one was outside, I worked alone by streetlamp and snowlight.

   The farms that once circled my town are all but gone now, including my grandparents’, and in many of the housing developments that replaced them there are no sidewalks at all. But children would be walking past my house to school in the morning, and it was my job to make the way clear before they arrived. The snow was feathery, just a couple of inches, and when I was done, I stood leaning on my shovel for a moment, looking with satisfaction down the long path that stretched to the corner. I can’t grow tomatoes anything like my grandfather’s, but my shoveling will suffice. I had cleared the way, as he always had, for whoever might follow.

   In the morning, I got up from my desk to watch through the window as the morning traffic commenced along my sidewalk, where nothing stopped the children — or anyone else — from wherever they needed to go.


















